Teacher Training and Resources
Drama Literacy - The Over To You Story
Our most recent project takes childrens' love of Creative Drama and seamlessly intertwines it with Literacy. Students are immersed in exciting content and contexts within a Drama Lesson that then requires a reading and writing input.
After extensive research and piloting with teachers across Scotland to excellent review we have now built an online resource called Over To You for teachers to use in directly in their classrooms. Not only is this a massive hit with student learners but also the training impact for teachers themselves has inspired them to try out these new methods of teaching and has had tremendous CPD spin off.
Click Here To Read about Drama Literacy and the Over To You Story.
One To One Training
In depth training for teachers wanting to take their own teaching to a new level, in preparation for Promotions or Interviews, for Drama School Owners, for Probationers or simply to complete a Training to then "hand it down" to other teachers in their school.
One-To-One Training can be a professional life-changer.
"I have run my own children’s performing arts academy for the last 11 years, which I adore, but as my children are now getting older I decided to add to this and follow another of my dreams and apply to become a primary school teacher. During the process I had to present a 10 minute talk on how I would engage Year 2 children in a short learning activity. With my background I decided to base this on reading comprehension though a drama based activity. I approached Julie (who has helped me since I started Greasepaint, all those years ago, with wonderful lesson plans!) and found as always, she was only too happy to help and provide guidance on how I could achieve this effectively. Julie explained about the drama literacy learning device, which is being used as a stimulus for literacy, particularly writing, and how as the teacher I could apply the ‘teacher in role’ technique to grab the children’s attention and focus. I therefore explained that I would become the various characters withing the story, and encourage the children to take part, asking them to do certain things or enquiring how they felt about a certain point in the story i.e how do think X would feel? What can your character see / smell / hear? By explained that by applying this technique the children would be able to fully immerse themselves in the story, helping it to make sense to them and therefore able to comprehend the meaning and intention of the writer. I am happy to say that I was accepted onto the course, and start my training in September 2021 – thank you so much Julie."
Rachel Miller, Greasepaint Academy
"I owe Julie and the Drama Studio team a massive thank you! She helped me prepare for a big teaching interview, one for my dream job which I truly believe I was successful in down to the support I received. For an interview Julie helped me to break down my Space lesson plan to help maximise the time and took me through teacher in role technique as the key method of teaching delivery to get the most out of the children.
She was encouraging and had fantastic ideas which helped me perform confidently on interview day. The Drama Studio team have a wealth of experience that are very child focused which is why I always recommend them when parents ask me about drama classes to send their children to. If you need advice about teaching Drama in your day to day lessons or preparing for an interview then get in touch with Julie at the Drama Studio, I promise you you will not regret it."
Alexis Curran - Drama Teacher, Stewart's Melville School
"I had the pleasure of meeting Julie recently and attending a One-To-One session on delivering drama to pupils in the primary school setting. I found the session extremely worthwhile. It gave me ideas for new, inclusive games where children can develop their creativity through their active participation. It made me look afresh at how I deliver drama and the benefits of moving from predominantly directive teaching to more Teacher in Role work to unleash the children’s natural creativity. I learned a lot from Julie and would highly recommend taking the opportunity to attend any drama courses she is running."
Audrey McLeod - Goodlyburn Primary School
Contact us directly to ask about One-To-One Training - info@thedramastudio.com
Inset Training/CPD
Approx 2 hour Training Sessions with staff tailor made to your Topics/Areas of Interest, inspiring teacher confidence, fun and relaxed delivery. Content designed for teachers to be able to use immediately within your own classroom settings. You will have complimentary email support from The Drama Studio after the Training should you require it.
Popcorn games - really quick and easy, very versatile for all ages and topics. Really entertaining and lots of ideas. The leaders of the session were amazing! Daisy, Prestonfield Primary
"So much content was covered in each session-very thorough planning to give us the best opportunities possible in the time available and just right for the children. Very good value both professionally and financially." Chris McCormick Head Teacher, Cameron House
"This was a fantastic course. I would be extremely interested in a follow-up course." Silverknowes teacher
"A truly talented drama specialist who had the children and adults gripped." Arlene Hay, Nursery Nurse
"My class have enjoyed ‘Pop’ and we have had a shot of ‘Woosh’ too, which turned an otherwise very boring lesson into something memorable.I was looking at these activities from both a P7 and P1 perspective and I could use everything in both settings with just a wee tweek. Absolutely loved it, it was one of the best sessions we’ve had. And it was fun! I would recommend to all!" Kara McMillan, Prestonfield Primary
I found the whoosh technique most useful. I think it will be an effective strategy to use in a writing lesson. Many of the children find it challenging to draw upon their real life experiences or their imagination when writing. I think incorporating this technique into writing lessons will help them to formulate ideas prior to writing.I really enjoyed the training session. It was engaging and fun. It’s also really useful to actually be involved in the drama, as the children would be. It gives you an understanding of how the children feel and the challenges that they face. It’s also easier to remember the techniques if you’ve actually done it as opposed to reading about it or watching someone else do it. Claire Smith, Canal View PS
I love using drama with children although I am not very confident. Performing and taking part in activities is usually my biggest fear, doing presentations etc make me ill, however I really enjoyed the session, it was very relaxed and because we all know each other quite well it was easy to get absorbed into the moment and the learning. It was a great afternoon, thank you. Sue Russell, Canal View PS
The use of music was really impactful.Most of the workshop was adaptable to any stage. It was a very good illustration of how engaging drama can be as a teaching tool. Craig Leask, Prestonfield PS
"Excellent practical ideas. I would love a follow-up course." Wardie PS Teacher
It was fantastic and gave me great ideas to use in the classroom. I really enjoyed Whoosh and I am already using this in my classroom. I really like how it brings stories to life and have found that it is already helping the pupils to show more detail in their writing. Thanks you very much for providing a fun and entertaining session with loads of useful teaching techniques. Eilidh Mears, Canal View PS
The in-service day you and your colleague delivered to our school (St Andrews Fraserburgh) was absolutely fantastic and appreciated by all staff! Some of the staff were a little anxious when I said ‘Drama folk’ were coming to deliver some CPD, with the thought of having to put their voice out there. However, each of them said afterwards, how they were made to feel comfortable by Louise and yourself.Staff had commented on the creativity of the session, offering people the chance to consider and practise ‘teaching in role’ (TIR). The examples you gave fitted in very well with project work teachers were working on, due to your pre-planned questionnaire.
Staff have since been willing to partake in the challenge you set for them; taking TIR and using it to draw out children’s (and their own) creativity. The packs you provided have helped progress this, and I know teachers have been in contact with you, requesting even more tailored resources! (Which is brilliant.)
You and Louise were truly inspirational, and gave teachers a new avenue to pursue, which will in turn ensure the children of St Andrews School Fraserburgh are given a greater opportunity to demonstrate their creative selves. Raymond Geddes, St Andrews PS, Fraserburgh
Loved all of it – and actually getting the chance to experience it for myself. This allowed me to feel totally engaged. I cannot wait to start working with you again in our bridge topic and I am sure I will learn loads! Christie Dawson, Canal View PS
I thought the training was great. I have already use woosh with our word boost book and the children remembered their wow words more than if we had just read it aloud together. They got really into it and were caught up in their own imagination. Was great for team work as well. Wanting to do more build a character with them next term. Amanda Carmichael, Canal View PS
In School Alongside Class Teachers
We can visit your school to work with you within your classroom setting.
Teachers can take part at their own pace and confidence level alongside the experienced Drama Studio teachers who will set follow-up activities and be on hand for email support and advice throughout the school visit period and afterwards.
"The Drama Studio supports creative learning at Canal View Primary School. This involves working directly with children and also developing approaches to the Expressive Arts with teachers. This has been very highly rated by staff and learners. The work was evaluated as one of the strengths in our improvement Plan. The work done has aided us in developing a progression of creative skills. The learners in our P6 class were able to confidently express the value that this has for them in a recent Creative Conversations event, where they spoke of the skills they have developed. The work of The Drama Studio is of the very highest quality." Ann Moore, Head Teacher, Canal View PS
Another big thank you from myself and my colleague, as well from all the children of our two P7 classes. The play and your input was great, Mrs MacTavish ‘s Waxworks play was thoroughly enjoyed by the school and the parents. Crucially, the children performing were involved at all stages. Encouraging their contributions throughout meant the children’s creativity and confidence grew and their excitement and engagement was ensured. The whole process was an inspiring and happy experience for all. The very professional support and guidance we received was first class.Thanks again Julie. K. Watson, Hermitage Park PS
Your input was very relaxed, comfortable and non-pressurised which made it really engaging for all pupils – especially those who struggle with confidence.Your method of teaching made each pupil’s part easy to remember without using a script and the pupils were able to add their own take to their characters! The children thoroughly enjoyed working with you! Thanks. Claire Little, Hermitage Park PS
Lessons and Resources
The Drama Studio has a large online Lesson Plan Resource Area for Primary and Drama teachers. Many of the Lessons are linked to popular Class Topics and Literacy and most are designed to be easily done within your own classroom setting.
We offer Lesson Plan Discounts as part of CPD/One-to-One or In School Workshops.
Drama Lessons and Resources Evaluations
The kids are loving it. I only teach them for 1 and a half days so it’s a bit of a rush each week but the difference in their confidence is easy to see.
It’s allowing some not so academic kids to shine but as they are younger they don’t stray from the story too far. I can sort what isn’t explained with a bit of a title page on the video. We are in the Scottish Borders so all but 3 of the kids have a iPad and are filming and editing themselves!
I think it is really user friendly and the black strip of writing helps us all to remember the important bits. Thankyou! Vicki Wauchope, Borders
Format was great. It gave us a starting point. We have 12 children in the whole school so it was a good storyline for us. Some scenes were very quiet but the parents were happy. My P2-4 teacher has learned how to edit too! Merry Christmas and look forward to more drama with you. Lesley Goodwin, Furnace PS
My P3's have loved the space drama and it has transformed their writing! My P3's are loving the drama and many say it is the highlight of their week! We've just had parent consultations and a lot also commented on their children's increased engagement in writing as a result of the drama lessons. J. Greig, Livingstone Village PS
"With the Baby Bear lesson I was forced to do it out in the playground as renovations were beginning on the school early and there was nowhere else for me to go as the teachers needed time to pack up the classes! The children LOVED the story and they seemed very engaged as I was able to use their ideas. I found being in role actually helped to get their attention and the story line was simple enough to work with. (I once tried 'teacher in role' before and it went badly as I didn't feel properly prepared and the character was quite complicated).
I liked they way in which the lesson was typed so there wasn't an excessive amount of reading and I was able to keep it in my hand and use as a prompt. I sometimes find lesson plans in books/ready made resources hard to follow as they go into too much explanation instead of giving you the information you need to carry out the lesson. Watching the video was also really helpful." Jan Andrew, Aberdeen
"The Children were able to apply what they had learned in class to the drama pack - Viking Complete. It flowed nicely with the IDL topic. Children were very creative and really enjoyed it, they looked forward to it every week. As a teacher the lesson plans are very detailed and have the music alongside it. This is great as it means that it cuts my workload down a little as I don’t need to plan this. They are very useful and are very easy to use." Amanda Carmichael , Canal View PS on Viking Lessons
"The pupils were so excited when I mentioned a Jacobites school assembly performance and a possible show to parents. They were even more thrilled when I showed them the clip from your website as they all wanted to dress up there and then. It has really inspired them to write their Glencoe Massacre eyewitness account"
Wow! Your script has really got the pupils engaged and enthralled. They have been learning their lines and we've been having rehearsals over the last few days. Even during the Christmas holidays, the children were practising with their scene partners and all they want to do is act. Some have even created animations based on the Glencoe massacre. They certainly have caught the drama bug thanks to your script. I Am MacIain Play (Link to Jacobites) Colin Hunter, Bellsquarry Primary School 2015
"I've been given an assembly date for 'I am MacIain'. It's on Friday 25th January and it's now going to be a whole school assembly, plus parents, plus local residents, plus members of the Parent Council Association. It's just grown arms and legs and the pupils are so excited about performing. It's amazing the buzz going around the P6 class and the interest being generated at the school gates. Therefore, I was wondering if you still have all the outfits and equipment for hire? If you have, that's great."
Colin Hunter, Bellsquarry Primary School- I Am MacIain Play (Link to Jacobites) used again in 2018
The Drama Studio provided a draft script for the annual Scots Night about wax figures which come to life. The script was based on famous figures from Scottish history and allowed the children to gain an insight into the influence they have had on Scottish culture today. This basic script allowed the learners at Bonaly to add their own scenes and characters which gave it a personal feel. A name was selected for the play and ‘The Awfy Braw Bonaly Waxworks’ was created. We hired costumes from the Drama Studio which allowed our pupils to really get into character. The performance was great and it was lovely to have the staff from the Drama Studio there to see how the children had used the original script."
Linda Darroch DHT Bonaly School - Scots Night Script and Organisation
"Your lesson plans are amazing! I'm delighted I came across your website. It's difficult to come up with lesson plan after lesson plan every week so your material will add new life to my speech and drama classes." Kelly - Ireland
"A huge thankyou for all your help and advice over the past few weeks - you have been amazing!" Rachel Finnie - Greasepaint Academy
"Treasure island was a great success. We had 1 Director, 1 stage Assistant, 2 props and 17 players!" Joanne Grech - Treasure Island
"Great scheme of work." Terry Ward - The Great Fire of London
"As always Julie a massive thank you!! I really don't know what I would do without you! Yes please to the pack, that should really help to guide me in the right direction. Thanks again." Rachel Miller
The Drama Studio is a quality assured Creative Partner on The Creativity Portal and registered with Public Contracts Scotland.