The Drama Studio Awards Ceremonies


Drama Studio Awards Ceremony 2012        

The Drama Studio Film Awards Ceremony took place on Thursday 14th June at The Minto Hotel and was absolutely fantastic.

Students from our 4 Teenage Groups gathered to find out who were the Winners of the various filming categories, having worked in their groups to create their own original comedy films. The students themselves voted for their favourites and clips of film were shown from the top three nominees in each category.

After a cocktail reception, Dorothy Johnstone from The National Operatic and Dramatic Association presented the Awards.


    That's My Girl

     Fine Dining

   The Corridors

      Elle Smart

 Alexander Cowan

  Kirsty McAdam

     Charlie West

    Struan Scobbie

  Sam with Roger


  Best Director Ihsan Kerr




 Drama Studio Awards Ceremony 2013


Our Awards Ceremony at The Minto Hotel on June 13 featured Winners chosen by the students themselves for Best Junior and Senior Film and Best Actors Male and Female in each category.

Also as part of the evening  the groups performed short live pieces for our three judges - Ann Moore, Amanda Craven and David Jack to judge. Each group was given 3 props - an umbrella, a large sheet and a large hoop to use creatively in their piece. Grant Stott presented the winners with their medals and trophies.

The evening also contained a surprise moment for Director Julie who was presented with an Award for the Drama Studio's 20th Year ! Julie was also given the most amazing book of memories and tributes from Drama Studio students past and present -  a treasure to keep for life.

Book Cover



The nominees for the top 3 Junior films were - The Divide - Juniper Green: Janitor's Revenge - Fairmilehead: Hitman - Bruntsfield

Janitors Screenshot  JUNIOR WINNER - Janitor's Revenge (Fairmilehead)



The nominees for the top 3 Senior films were Murder She Ate Bruntsfield: 7/7 Wardie: Guide Camp 2K12 Fairmilehead

Kerr Screenshot    SENIOR WINNER - Murder She Ate (Bruntsfield)



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Best Junior Female- Louise Piatkowski  Best Junior Male - Lewis Williamson      Best Senior Female - Lucy Reville 

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Best Senior Male - Kerr Syme               Best Junior Director - Katie Brown      Best Senior Director - Heather Davidson

                                                                                                                     and Charlie West

Photos From The Evening

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Coming In                                                                           At The Tables

IMG 2033  IMG 1843    

On The Dancefloor                                                   Live Drama - Bruntsfield Juniors


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WALT WIZARDRY - Bruntsfield Seniors                    MAD HATTER'S TEA PARTY- Juniper Green


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THE STORY OF STANLEY - Wardie                            LIFE AND DEATH OF MICHAELANGELO - Fairmilehead


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Winners Drama - GOODNIGHT LADIES by Bruntsfield Juniors      The Judges Deliberate

Flowres From Kim  IMG 2004

Flowers From The Drama Studio Teachers               Kirsty's Speech - 20 Years of The Drama Studio






 Drama Studio Awards Ceremony 2014




The 2014 Drama Studio Film Awards Ceremony 2014 took place at The Minto Hotel on June 12th.

We themed the evening's dresscode to Villains and Heroes from Fairytale land.

This year's topic was Psychological Thriller and once again the students voted for their favourite short films. The standard is just getting better and better as our students really get into film as another way to present creative drama.

This time around we had several groups editing their own work so we had an additional category for the best edit.

We chose students themselves to present the awards.


Most Creative Junior Film

Presented by Captain Hook (Lewis Williamson)

The top three nominees were You’re Not Who You Think You Are (Bruntsfield) Double Take (Wardie)and Together Forever (Bruntsfield).

  The winner  ........ “Double Take”

Cruella and Hook -small

Most Creative Senior Film

Presented by Alice In Wonderland (Jessica Steel)

The top three nominees for most creative senior film were Teddy Bear’s Picnic (Wardie), Amy Made Me Do It (Fairmilehead) and Annabelle(Fairmilehead).

The winner ........“Teddy Bear’s Picnic

Teddy Bears small

3. Best Junior Film Overall

Presented by – The Pied Piper (Georgie Harwell)

The top three nominees for best junior film overall were Scarred (Bruntsfield), The Basement (Bruntsfield) and The Church(Juniper Green).

The winner  ........."The Church"

The Church -small

4. Best Senior Film Overall

Presented by Lewis MacDougall as himself with a special tribute to Lewis who is to play Nibs in a new Warner Bros film "Pan" to be released in July 2015.

The top three nominees for best senior film overall Amy Made Me Do It (Fairmilehead) Guilt (Liberton) and Teddy Bear’s Picnic (Wardie).

The winner ............. “Guilt”.

Liberton Girls- small

5. Scariest Moment In a Junior Film

Presented by The Big Bad Wolf (Paul Jeffries)

The top three nominees for scariest moment in a junior film Katie (Fairmilehead), The Church (Juniper Green) and The Basement (Bruntsfield).


“And the winner is” .......... “Katie – Doll under the sink”.

Katie -small


Scariest Moment In A Senior Film


 Presented by Grumpy/Bashful (Sam Morwood)

The top three nominees for scariest moment in a senior film Teddy Bear’s Picnic (Wardie), One By One (Fairmilehead) and Annabelle (Bruntsfield).

The winner is ............ “One by One – Girl in the mirror”


One by One -small 

Best Junior Female

Presented by Shrek and Donkey (Scott Edwards & Aran Prince Tappe)

 The top 3 nominees for best junior female actor are, Emma Murray for Katie (Fairmilehead), Charlotte Lyon for You’re Not Who You Think You Are and Lori Stott for “Scarred”

The winner - Lori Stott


Best Junior Male

Presented by Aran

The top 3 nominees for best junior male actor  Liam Donaldson for The Church (Juniper Green), Fraser Dunmore for Mind Powers (Wardie) and Jack Grieve for Katie(Fairmilehead).

The winner  .................Liam Donaldson


Best Senior Female

 Presented by Aladdin and Jasmine (Rowan Johnstone and Eilidh West)

The top 3 nominees for best senior female actor Caitlyn McFarlane for Side Effects(Wardie), Charlotte Reid for Amy Made Me Do It (Fairmilehead) and Catriona Hand for The Doll (Bruntsfield).

The winner is ........ Charlotte Reid

Best Senior Male

Presented by Eilidh

The top three nominees for best senior male actor - Joe Quayle for The Doll (Bruntsfield) , Evan Craig for Holy Moly (Bruntsfield) and Rhys Anderson for Abandoned (Juniper Green).

The winner is ...............Rhys Anderson



Best Director



Presented by Julie McDonald , Drama Studio Director


The top three nominees for Best Director - Evelyn Currie for Double Take (Wardie), Joanna Gordon for One By One (Fairmilehead) and Gregor Weir for Annabelle (Bruntsfield).

The winner ............... Gregor Weir


Gregor Website

Special Award – Best Edit

Presented by Niloo-Far Khan, our guest Film Maker who judged the students' edits.

The nominees for best edit -Nerida Bradley for Amy Made Me Do It (Fairmilehead), Sofia Della Sala for Annabelle (Bruntsfield), Fraser Dunmore for Mind Powers (Wardie), Evelyn Currie for Double Take (Wardie), Catriona Hand for The Doll (Bruntsfield), Sophie Costa for Guilt (Liberton), Charlie West for Teddy Bear’s Picnic (Wardie) and Heather Davidson for Side Effects (Wardie).

The winner is............... Evelyn Currie






Drama Studio Awards Ceremony 2015


The 2015 Drama Studio Awards Ceremony was held at The Minto Hotel on the 11th June.

Our special guest was Thom Dibdin, well known Edinburgh Theatre Reviewer and a wonderful night was had by all.

The evening dresscode was a Masquerade Ball.

This year's film theme was based on taking a title (the groups taking part passed on a title to another group) and using it to devise the material for the films.


Most Creative Junior Film

The top three nominees for most Creative Junior Film were  Where’s My Chauffeur ?, I Used To Do Kung Fu and A Thug Life

The winner  "I Used To Do Kung Fu" 

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Most Creative Senior Film

The top three nominees for most Creative Senior Film were What’s On The Box ?, The Tribe and The BoKZ Hotel

The winner "The BoKZ Hotel"




Best Junior Film 

The top three nominees for best junior film are, I Used To Do Kung Fu, A Thug Life and Roulette

The winner  “A Thug Life”

mSC 1032 Thug Life    nMG 1970



Best Senior Film

The top three nominees for best senior film are, The Tribe, Rosenberg and What’s On The Box ?

The winner “What’s On The Box ?”

mSC 1033 Whats on BOx



Favourite Junior Moment

 The top three nominees for favourite moment in a junior film were, Jake Bretherton for the gunshot in Roulette, Evelyn Currie for the dead hands in Where’s My Chauffeur ? and Alice Gilmore for the ponytail flick in S.P.I

The winner is  ALL THREE !

nMG 1975 all three



Favourite Senior Moment

The top three nominees for favourite moment in a senior film were,  Joanna Gordon for Mamma Maria in the Tribe, Paul Jeffries and Michael Shaw for the Drug Scene in Rosenberg and Charlie West for The Shovel in The BoKZ Hotel.

The winner “Joanna  Gordon– The Tribe ”

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Best Junior Female

 The top 3 nominees for best junior female actor are, Anna Jeffries – Roulette, Alison Simm – I Used To Do Kung Fu and Eve Collen – S.P.I

The winner “Alison Simm”

mSC 1036 Alison Simm



Best Junior Male

The top 3 nominees for best junior male actor are,  Niall Gilchrist – K.E.R.R.I, Jude Liddell – A Thug Life and Finlay Ferrari – Where’s My Chauffeur ?

The winner  “Jude Liddell”.

nMG 1981 jude



Best Senior Female

The nominees for best Senior Female Actor were, Olivia Marshall – The BoKZ Hotel, Emma Murray – The Tribe, Hannah Peace – What’s On The Box?and Jessica Steel The Moron and The Murder.

The winner "Hannah Peace"

nMG 1982



 Best Senior Male

The nominees for best Senior Male Actor were, Evan Craig – Rosenberg, Gregor Weir  -What’s On The Box ? Lewis Williamson - The Tribe and Aran Prince-Tappe  -The BoKZ Hotel

The winner -  “Evan Craig”

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Best Edit - The winner was chosen by Film Maker David Jack

The top 3 nominees for best edit were Georgia Traquair & Lauryn Murray – The Tribe , Gregor Weir – What’s On The Box ?  and Michael Shaw – Rosenberg.

The winner - "Gregor Weir”

nMG 1987 gregor



Best Director

The top three nominees for Best Director were –

Evelyn Currie for Where’s My Chauffeur ? Rosie Tofts  for K.E.R.R.I, Michael Shaw for Rosenberg

The winner - "Michael Shaw”

nMG 1988 michael



Drama Studio Awards 2016



Top Nominated Film Footage 



Our Film Awards Ceremony 2016 was held on 8th June at The Hilton Grosvenor Hotel. The Theme this year was Crime Fiction with an emphasis on Plot Twist. The standard of the films was very high. Our special guest was Crime Fiction writer Ian Rankin who presented the Awards and was in much demand for photoshoots and book signing!

The Best Edit was judged by former DS student Andrew Girvan who has returned to Edinburgh as Head Of Operations For the Fringe Ticket Office after several years in London's West End.


The Nominations And Winners



Most Creative Junior Film

The top 3 nominees

 “Before I Go”, “Unknown” and “The Bad Crowd”

WINNER  “Unknown” Bruntsfield


Ian Rankin With Junior Creative Winners.jpg 

Most Creative Senior Film

The top 3 nominees

 “The Missing Variables”,  “The Grey Revolution” and “Stop In The Name Of The Law”

WINNER “Stop In The Name Of The Law” Wardie


Ian Rankin With Senior Creative Winners 

Best Junior Film 

The top 3 nominees

 “ Scarred”, “Before I Go” and “Unknown”.

WINNER  “Scarred” - Wardie

Ian Rankin With Best Junior Film Winners.JPG 

Best Senior Film

“The top 3 nominees

 “Stop In The Name Of The Law”, “The Grey Revolution” and “insanity”

WINNER  “Insanity’ - Wardie

 Ian Rankin With Best Senior Film Winners

Best Junior Plot Twist

The top 3 nominees  

“Little Miss Rebel” – it was all a film, “Before I Go” – He wasn’t dying and, “Scarred” – the hitman had killed his parents.


WINNER  “Before I Go” - Fairmilehead


 Ian Rankin With Best Junior Film Twist Winners

Best Senior Plot Twist

 The top 3 nominees

 “The Missing Variables” – the sister set up the kidnapping, “Crumpleton Abbey” – The daughter killed her father and “Stop In The Name Of The Law” – The vicar was in on it.

WINNER  “The Missing Variables” - Bruntsfield

Ian Rankin With Best Senior Plot Twist Winners.jpg 

Best Junior Female

 The top 3 nominees

 Lois Ambrose – “Before I Go”, Sophie Capon – “Little Miss Rebel” and Megan Ritchie – “Unknown”

WINNER “Megan Ritchie” - Bruntsfield

 Ian Rankin With Best Junior Female Winner

Best Junior Male

 The top 3 nominees

Niall Gilchrist – “Scarred”, David Carnie – “Crime Crossroads” and Jude Liddell – “Unknown”

WINNER "Niall Gilchrist” - Wardie

Ian Rankin With Best Junior Male Winner 

Best Senior Female

The top 3 nominees  

Maia Hollins-Kirk – “Crumpleton Abbey”, Alice Gilmore – “The Missing Variables” and Rachel Dobbie – “Stop In The Name Of The Law”.

WINNER  “Rachel Dobbie” - Wardie

Ian Rankin With Best Senior Female Winner 
 Best Senior Male

The top 3 nominees

Gregor Weir – “The Grey Revolution”, Charlie West – “Stop In The Name Of The Law” and  Matthew Duncan – “Crumpleton Abbey”


 WINNER  “Charlie West” - Wardie


Ian Rankin With Best Senior Male Winner 
Best Edit 

The top 3 nominees

Amy Haddow  - “Scarred”, Gregor Weir – “The Grey Revolution” and “Evelyn Currie – “Insanity”

WINNER  “Evelyn Currie” - Wardie

Ian Rankin and Andrew Girvan With Best  Edit 

Best Director

The top 3 nominees  

Olivia Smith  for “Crumpleton Abbey” , Sofia Della Sala for “The Grey Revolution” and Megan Hogg for “Missing”.


WINNER  “Olivia Smith” - Fairmilehead

Ian Rankin With Best Director 


Our very special thanks to Margot Miller and Alison Taylor for the photographs and also to Sharon Wilkes our guest character as Clair Voyant in the Teacher's Cluedo Summing Up Performance.

 Photos From Drama Studio Teacher's Cluedo

 Drama Teachers Intro To Sketch  Fortune Teller Arrives  Miss Scarlet Looks Guilty

  Mrs Peacock Makes Up A Story  Professor Plum Looks Suspicious  Reverend Green Is Far From Holy




Drama Studio Awards Ceremony 2017

Our Film Awards Ceremony 2017 was held on 7th June at The Hilton Grosvenor Hotel. It was a Scottish Theme this year and dress code was a Touch Of Tartan.

The standard of the films was good and our special guest was author Philip Caveney who presented the Awards. 

The Best Edit was judged by Sean Young.

Nominations and Winners


Most Creative Junior Film

The top three nominees for Most Creative Junior Film were:

The Other Shoes - Fairmilehead

Skinny Malinky Long Legs - Bruntsfield

Rumours - Bruntsfield

Winner - Skinny Malinky Long Legs 


Most Creative Senior Film

The top three nominees for Most Creative Senior Film were:

It's A Sair Fecht - Fairmilehead

The Plague - Wardie

The Funeral - Bruntsfield

Winner - It's A Sair Fecht 


Best Junior Film

The top three nominees for Best Junior Film were:

Agent Bawheed - Wardie

Rumours - Bruntsfield

Skinny Malinky Long Legs - Bruntsfield

Winner - Agent Bawheed


Best Senior Film

The top three nominees for Best Senior Film were:

Yer Da Sells Avon - Bruntsfield

Pals - Bruntsfield

The Plague - Wardie

Winner The Plague


Best Comic Moment

The top three nominees for Best Junior Comic Moment were:

Piggyback – Agent Bawheed - Wardie

A Bit Pregnant – Rumours - Bruntsfield

Angelina Jolie – The Other Shoes - Fairmilehead

Winner - Angelina Jolie - The Other Shoes


Best Comic Moment

The top three nominees for Best Senior Comic Moment were

Cuddles – The Funeral - Bruntsfield

Kumbaya – Pals - Bruntsfield

Drumstick – Yer Da Sells Avon 

Winner - Kumbaya - Pals


Best Junior Female Actor

The top three nominees for Best Junior Female Actor were:

Saphie Ogilvie – The Unlove Club - Fairmilehead

Lois Ambrose– The Other Shoes - Fairmilehead

Francesca Broome - The Story Of Charlotte Devile - Wardie

Winner - Saphie Ogilvie


Best Junior Male Actor

The top three nominees for Best Junior Male Actor were:

Theo Jones - Rumours - Bruntsfield

James Gilbert - Skinny Malinky Long Legs - Bruntsfield

Matthew Haddow - Agent Bawheed - Wardie

Winner - James Gilbert 


Best Senior Female Actor

The top three nominees for Best Senior Female Actor were:

Ailsa Garbutt - Pals - Bruntsfield

Emma Murray - It's A Sair Fecht - Fairmilehead

Kathryn Haddow - The Plague - Wardie

Winner - Emma Murray


Best Senior Male Actor

The top three nominees for Best Senior Male Actor were:

Kai Horsburgh - Yer Da Sells Avon - Bruntsfield

Jude Liddell - Pals - Bruntsfield

Sam Morwood- The Funeral - Bruntsfield

Winner - Kai Horsburgh 


Best Edit

The top three nominees for Best Edit were:

Evelyn Currie - Agent Bawheed

Tait Sutherland - Skinny Malinky Long Legss

Amy and Kathryn Haddow - The Plague

Winners - Amy and Kathryn Haddow



Best Director

The top three nominees for Best Director were:

Craig Brownlee - It's A Sair Fecht

Sophie Cunningham - Yer Da Sells Avon

Amy Haddow - The Plague

Winner - Amy Haddow


Amy Haddow (1).JPG

Below are some photographs of the night, including the disco and the entertainment performed by the groups. Much fun was had by all!

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So what do the students themselves feel they achieve from taking part in the project?
"It was amazing to see all the films made by young people. You would never think that young people made them because they are of such a high standard."
 Mimi Moore (Wardie)
"The film projects are so much fun, they're great for capturing the mad ideas we have in our heads and making it come to life in a movie we can produce, direct and edit ourselves."
Evelyn Currie (Wardie)
"Filming is really good although I did feel like slamming my head into a wall several times." 
 Amy Haddow (Wardie) 
"At The Drama Studio we received the support and resources to create successful projects with a level of quality I doubt we would otherwise have achieved."
 Aran Prince-Tappe (Wardie)
"We got a lot of support with our films yet it was all done independently. We all work well together and its great fun."
 Eilidh West (Wardie)
"The films are a great way to bond with others and capture the work we do at drama."
Rosa Davidson (BF)
"It was good that a famous writer gave out the awards."
Max Ironside (Wardie)
"The teachers let us do whatever we want - in a good way of course. They allow us to let our imaginations run free."
  Eve Collen (BF)
"I enjoyed making and watching the live entertainment as everyone had completely different and original ideas."
 Katie Davidson (BF)
"The Drama Studio feels like a no judgement zone." 
  Rebecca Harrison (BF)
"The awards night was brilliant fun and there was a great selection of different things"          Sophie Capon (Wardie)
"The awards night was great ! I had been looking forward to it and was not disappointed. I can't wait for next year."
 Cleo Luna (Wardie)
"Making and editing the films was a fun process that I really enjoyed." 
 Aine Browne (BF)
"The films are great way to bond with others and capture the work we do at Drama." Rosa Davidson (BF)